Rabu, 09 Juli 2008

About cheating & the other person 2

kalo minta maaf sih sbg orang baik ya maafin aja.
ini ada artikel bagus lagi. maaf, sedikit mengarah ke agama, tapi ambil
aja sari2nya.
intinya kalau Tuhan mau memaafkan kita yg berdosa, kenapa kita sbg
umatnya ga bisa memaafkan org lain.
kalau kita memaafkan org lain, pasti Tuhan akan memaafkan kita.
Forgiveness is not something we do for other people. We do it for
ourselves, to get well and move on.
saya sendiri lagi belajar utk itu.

Forgiving those who have sinned against us

Everyone has been wronged, offended, and sinned against at some point in
life. How are we to respond when such offenses occur? According to the
Bible, we are to forgive. (Ephesians 4:32} declares, "Be kind and
compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ
God forgave you." Similarly, (Colossians 3:13) proclaims, "Bear with
each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one
another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." The key in both Scriptures is
that we are to forgive others, as God has forgiven us. Why do we
forgive? Because we have been forgiven!

Forgiveness would be simple if we only had to grant it to those who come
asking for it in sorrow and repentance. The Bible tells us that we are
to forgive those who sin against us, without condition. Refusing to
truly forgive a person demonstrates resentment, bitterness, and anger -
none of which should be the traits of a Christian. In the Lord's Prayer,
we ask God to forgive us our sins, just as we forgive those who sin
against us (Matthew 6:12). Jesus said in (Matthew 6:14-15), "If you
forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive
you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive
your sins." In light of other Scriptures that speak of God's
forgiveness, Matthew 6:14-15 is best understood to be saying that people
who refuse to forgive others have likely not truly experienced God's
forgiveness themselves.

Whenever we miss the mark by disobeying one of God's commands, we sin
against Him. Whenever we wrong another person, we not only sin against
them, but also against God. When we take a look at the enormity of God's
mercy to forgive us of ALL of our transgressions, we realize that we do
not have the right to withhold this grace from others. We have sinned
against God infinitely more than any person can sin against us. If God
forgives us of so much, how can we refuse to forgive others for so
little? Jesus' parable in (Matthew 18:23-35) is a powerful illustration
of this truth. God promises that when we come to Him asking for
forgiveness, He freely grants it (1 John 1:9). The forgiveness we extend
should know no bounds, in the same way that God's forgiveness is
limitless (Luke 17:3-4).

Peace be upon us!

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